My update for things I've completed:
- I've recently started paying off my student loans (June, 2010)
- I have successfully tried 10 new restaurants, and have added a new goal of trying 10 more!
- I finished the Alex Cross series
- I got new glasses (that I love and wear often)!
- I've had an internet-free weekend (Saturday to Monday) on my Virginia Beach vacation
- I've watched TV for an entire day for no reason
Now to update the things I'm working on:
- I'm up to 3 books from the top list (out of 15)
- I volunteered 10 (out of 200) hours on Julie's horse farm
- I've journaled 7 (out of 30) times
- I went to see DMB at Bethel Woods (awesome concert!)
- I have a couple plants that are still alive (1 out of 3 months)
- I went to 3 new restaurants (out of 10 new ones)
- I'm up to 15 of the top movies (out of 30)
- I've tried 22 (out of 101) new recipes
- I'm up to 32 (out of 150) books. Not sure I'm going to be able to finish this one!
- I've read 6 of my books (out of 15)
- I'm up to 20,350 grains of rice (out of 100,000)
- I've gone to 4 cities on the A-Z challenge--Washington, Tarrytown, Virginia Beach, Orlando
- I have a craft project in progress--a candle holder mosaic
That's it for now. I'll have another update when I make some more headway on the list! I like having the list, though, so I can keep track of the various goals I would like to meet! And I'm almost done with my Ph.D. so that'll be crossed off the list in about a week!!!! FINALLY!