Friday, September 18, 2009

My completed list

I worked hard all day to finish this list and here it is:
  1. Read at least 15 new books from the Modern Library’s top 100 list. ( (0/15)
  2. Travel outside of the country--preferably to a different continent.
  3. Compile all 101 things.
  4. Celebrate with an elaborate dinner with friends when I finish the 101 things. 
  5. Do a photographic study of my family.
  6. Make a scrapbook of my photographic study of my family. 
  7. Complete a beginner 5K program.  (e.g.;s=2_3;site=1)
  8. Pay off at least 2 of my credit cards (0/2).
  9. Private 
  10. Blog about completing each of the things on my list. (1/102) 
  11. Earn my Ph.D. 
  12. Take another cooking course.
  13. Go to at least 2 churches for service 4 weeks in a row (1/week). (0/2)
  14. Start paying off student loans.
  15. Volunteer for at least 200 hours doing stuff I enjoy. 
  16. For 1 month, keep a journal, every day.
  17. Go on a real camping trip (with tents and everything).
  18. Go to at least 5 live music events.  (0/5)
  19. Go skiing or snowboarding.
  20. Visit 2 large US cities that I haven’t visited before (New Orleans, SF, Seattle).(0/2)
  21. Buy a coloring book and color all of the pages. 
  22. Floss my teeth every day for a month. (0/30)
  23. Complete 100 push up program. (
  24. Keep a plant alive for at least 3 months.
  25. Grow my own herbs (at least 2). (0/2)
  26. Create a morning routine and do it every morning for a month. (0/30)
  27. Go scuba diving, snorkelling, or kayaking.
  28. Take a short road trip to a hotel or bed and breakfast for a long weekend.
  29. Go to 10 new restaurants. (0/10)
  30. Visit 5 new (to me) museums.  (0/5)
  31. Watch 30 of the top 500 movies that I haven’t seen yet (  (0/30)
  32. Finish the Alex Cross series of novels. (0/5)
  33. Take a mulitvitamin every day for a month.
  34. Get my passport.
  35. Wake up by 6am for a week. 
  36. Clean out/organize old stuff from Dad’s house.
  37. Have Tuesdays be “NO TV NIGHT” for 6 months. (0/24)
  38. Try 101 new recipes. (0/101)
  39. Go to a Knicks-Suns game. 
  40. Buy flowers and put in a vase 10 times just because. (0/10)
  41. Participate at least once in the 26 things photography project: (0/26)
  42. Buy new glasses. 
  43. Read at least 2 biographies. (0/2)
  44. Eat no sweets for a week.  Repeat 4 times. (0/4)
  45. Allow myself to buy a really comfortable pair of sneakers.
  46. Go to a comedy show (Dane Cook?).
  47. Check air pressure in tires once a month. (0/34)
  48. Read a book on meditation.
  49. Meditate everyday for a week.  Repeat 3 times. (0/3)
  50. Complete a 2-day juice fast. 
  51. Have a special day out with the kids for a day so my sister can have a day to herself.
  52. Go hiking on at least 2 different local trails. (0/2)
  53. Compile $1000 for a security deposit for an apartment. (0/1000)
  54. Only drink water for 2 weeks.  Repeat 3 times. (0/3)
  55. Don’t drink any alcohol for 6 months. (0/6)
  56. Eat at home for a week straight. 
  57. Have a picnic.
  58. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  59. When I’m not teaching, have an internet-free weekend (Friday-Sunday).
  60. Private
  61. Private
  62. Go ice skating.
  63. Build a dollhouse for my niece.
  64. Get another tattoo.
  65. Read 150 books. (0/150)
  66. Creative write everyday for one month (using writing hacks if necessary).
  67. Go to 6 Flags Great Adventure.
  68. Get a job doing something I love (e.g. teaching).
  69. Exercise 5 days a week for one month. 
  70. Compile a list of 101 things that make me truly happy. (0/101)
  71. For 3 months, read every Science Times section. (0/12)
  72. Do a photographic discovery of my town.
  73. Read at least 15 of my owned unread books. (0/15)
  74. Run a mile under 10 minutes. 
  75. Donate 100,000 grains of rice via (300/100,000)
  76. Go to a shooting range. 
  77. Complete an A-Z challenge. (0/26)
  78. Bake something new once a month for a year. (0/12)
  79. Pick a totally random craft and finish a project.
  80. Take a solitary fall/winter trip to the ocean.
  81. Take a walk every morning/evening for a month. (0/30)
  82. Get a well-physical every year. (0/2)
  83. Host a homemade 3-course dinner party.
  84. Find a print I love and get it framed.
  85. Keep a gratitude journal for 2 months. (0/2)
  86. Create a soothing night ritual and do for 1 month. (0/30)
  87. Private
  88. Save up $2000 for a down payment for a new car. (0/2000)
  89. Tell Dad how much I appreciate the things he does.
  90. Go to a friend’s party.
  91. Spend an entire day in bed watching tv for no reason. 
  92. Get a professional facial.
  93. Reward myself by cooking my boyfriend dinner after I’m done running animals, and then again for being finished with bench work. (0/2)
  94. Catch up with a friend I haven’t seen in over a year. 
  95. Spend a day communing w/nature.
  96. Go to one spiritual retreat (or something similar). 
  97. Volunteer to do something physical (e.g. habitat for humanity). 
  98. Take a day trip to someplace that’s over 100 miles away.
  99. Build up a $1000 emergency fund. (0/1000)
  100. Try out 2 new fitness classes. (0/2)
  101. Give 5 people a card when it’s not a holiday. (0/5)
  102. Fill 10 expired parking meters in NYC. (0/10) 
I'm going to have my start day be today, which is 9/18/2009.  That makes day 1001-- 6/14/2012.

I'm going to post about each one of my goals, so I might as well start with the one I just finished:

3. Compile all 101 things.  

I don't have too much to say about completing this one except that I'm excited to do some of the things on this list.  I will check back and post about each one I complete or have partially completed since some have more than one task.  No to strike out my 1st completed goal!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Your list looks awesome!! I can't wait to watch as you finish them all. :)
