Saturday, September 26, 2009

List Update!

So I just got back from Disney which means that there's the "O" city for my A-Z quest.   I had a GREAT time with my boyfriend Dwayne and some of his siblings.  We went to Magic Kingdom, Typhoon Lagoon, and stayed at the Saratoga Springs Resort.  I will now mark the A-Z quest as "in progress"!

I also finished reading Dan Brown's sequel to The Da Vinci Code which is titled The Lost Symbol.  I really like how he incorporates science and religion into his books, but I liked the other endings better.  He does know how to spur questions in your brain as you're doing some "light reading" though!  One book to enter in my "Read 101 books" goal.  That is now also "in progress"!

I also have been working on donating rice and so far I have 5,300 grains of rice (out of 100,000).

Slowly but surely I'll have my list completed!!  991 days left!

Friday, September 18, 2009

My completed list

I worked hard all day to finish this list and here it is:
  1. Read at least 15 new books from the Modern Library’s top 100 list. ( (0/15)
  2. Travel outside of the country--preferably to a different continent.
  3. Compile all 101 things.
  4. Celebrate with an elaborate dinner with friends when I finish the 101 things. 
  5. Do a photographic study of my family.
  6. Make a scrapbook of my photographic study of my family. 
  7. Complete a beginner 5K program.  (e.g.;s=2_3;site=1)
  8. Pay off at least 2 of my credit cards (0/2).
  9. Private 
  10. Blog about completing each of the things on my list. (1/102) 
  11. Earn my Ph.D. 
  12. Take another cooking course.
  13. Go to at least 2 churches for service 4 weeks in a row (1/week). (0/2)
  14. Start paying off student loans.
  15. Volunteer for at least 200 hours doing stuff I enjoy. 
  16. For 1 month, keep a journal, every day.
  17. Go on a real camping trip (with tents and everything).
  18. Go to at least 5 live music events.  (0/5)
  19. Go skiing or snowboarding.
  20. Visit 2 large US cities that I haven’t visited before (New Orleans, SF, Seattle).(0/2)
  21. Buy a coloring book and color all of the pages. 
  22. Floss my teeth every day for a month. (0/30)
  23. Complete 100 push up program. (
  24. Keep a plant alive for at least 3 months.
  25. Grow my own herbs (at least 2). (0/2)
  26. Create a morning routine and do it every morning for a month. (0/30)
  27. Go scuba diving, snorkelling, or kayaking.
  28. Take a short road trip to a hotel or bed and breakfast for a long weekend.
  29. Go to 10 new restaurants. (0/10)
  30. Visit 5 new (to me) museums.  (0/5)
  31. Watch 30 of the top 500 movies that I haven’t seen yet (  (0/30)
  32. Finish the Alex Cross series of novels. (0/5)
  33. Take a mulitvitamin every day for a month.
  34. Get my passport.
  35. Wake up by 6am for a week. 
  36. Clean out/organize old stuff from Dad’s house.
  37. Have Tuesdays be “NO TV NIGHT” for 6 months. (0/24)
  38. Try 101 new recipes. (0/101)
  39. Go to a Knicks-Suns game. 
  40. Buy flowers and put in a vase 10 times just because. (0/10)
  41. Participate at least once in the 26 things photography project: (0/26)
  42. Buy new glasses. 
  43. Read at least 2 biographies. (0/2)
  44. Eat no sweets for a week.  Repeat 4 times. (0/4)
  45. Allow myself to buy a really comfortable pair of sneakers.
  46. Go to a comedy show (Dane Cook?).
  47. Check air pressure in tires once a month. (0/34)
  48. Read a book on meditation.
  49. Meditate everyday for a week.  Repeat 3 times. (0/3)
  50. Complete a 2-day juice fast. 
  51. Have a special day out with the kids for a day so my sister can have a day to herself.
  52. Go hiking on at least 2 different local trails. (0/2)
  53. Compile $1000 for a security deposit for an apartment. (0/1000)
  54. Only drink water for 2 weeks.  Repeat 3 times. (0/3)
  55. Don’t drink any alcohol for 6 months. (0/6)
  56. Eat at home for a week straight. 
  57. Have a picnic.
  58. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  59. When I’m not teaching, have an internet-free weekend (Friday-Sunday).
  60. Private
  61. Private
  62. Go ice skating.
  63. Build a dollhouse for my niece.
  64. Get another tattoo.
  65. Read 150 books. (0/150)
  66. Creative write everyday for one month (using writing hacks if necessary).
  67. Go to 6 Flags Great Adventure.
  68. Get a job doing something I love (e.g. teaching).
  69. Exercise 5 days a week for one month. 
  70. Compile a list of 101 things that make me truly happy. (0/101)
  71. For 3 months, read every Science Times section. (0/12)
  72. Do a photographic discovery of my town.
  73. Read at least 15 of my owned unread books. (0/15)
  74. Run a mile under 10 minutes. 
  75. Donate 100,000 grains of rice via (300/100,000)
  76. Go to a shooting range. 
  77. Complete an A-Z challenge. (0/26)
  78. Bake something new once a month for a year. (0/12)
  79. Pick a totally random craft and finish a project.
  80. Take a solitary fall/winter trip to the ocean.
  81. Take a walk every morning/evening for a month. (0/30)
  82. Get a well-physical every year. (0/2)
  83. Host a homemade 3-course dinner party.
  84. Find a print I love and get it framed.
  85. Keep a gratitude journal for 2 months. (0/2)
  86. Create a soothing night ritual and do for 1 month. (0/30)
  87. Private
  88. Save up $2000 for a down payment for a new car. (0/2000)
  89. Tell Dad how much I appreciate the things he does.
  90. Go to a friend’s party.
  91. Spend an entire day in bed watching tv for no reason. 
  92. Get a professional facial.
  93. Reward myself by cooking my boyfriend dinner after I’m done running animals, and then again for being finished with bench work. (0/2)
  94. Catch up with a friend I haven’t seen in over a year. 
  95. Spend a day communing w/nature.
  96. Go to one spiritual retreat (or something similar). 
  97. Volunteer to do something physical (e.g. habitat for humanity). 
  98. Take a day trip to someplace that’s over 100 miles away.
  99. Build up a $1000 emergency fund. (0/1000)
  100. Try out 2 new fitness classes. (0/2)
  101. Give 5 people a card when it’s not a holiday. (0/5)
  102. Fill 10 expired parking meters in NYC. (0/10) 
I'm going to have my start day be today, which is 9/18/2009.  That makes day 1001-- 6/14/2012.

I'm going to post about each one of my goals, so I might as well start with the one I just finished:

3. Compile all 101 things.  

I don't have too much to say about completing this one except that I'm excited to do some of the things on this list.  I will check back and post about each one I complete or have partially completed since some have more than one task.  No to strike out my 1st completed goal!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The beginning of my journey

I was perusing lifehacks that would make my life better, and came across the American Girl in Australia blog (  In it it proposed an awesome task:  accomplish 101 goals in 1001 days.  Here are the rules: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

I am now compiling my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.  I'm very excited about this because there's always been so many things that I want to do and accomplish in life.  I think that having a time limit is going to give me motivation to complete all of these things.  I'm going to take the next couple days to complete the list and then post it here.  Here's what I have so far (a sneak peek!):
  1. Read at least 15 new books from the Modern Library’s top 100 list. ( (0/15)
  2. Travel outside of the country--preferably to a different continent.
  3. Compile all 101 things.
  4. Celebrate with an elaborate dinner with friends when I finish the 101 things. 
  5. Do a photographic study of my family.
  6. Make a scrapbook of my photographic study of my family. 
  7. Complete a beginner 5K program.  (e.g.;s=2_3;site=1)
  8. Pay off at least 2 of my credit cards (0/2).
  9. Write a letter to my boyfriend about everything I appreciate about him and all of the positive ways  he has influenced my life.  Make sure to give it to him. 
  10. Blog about completing each of the things on my list. 
  11. Earn my Ph.D. 
  12. Take a cooking course.
  13. Keep a plant alive for at least 3 months.
  14. Take a music or art course (or lessons).  
  15. Try 75 new recipes. (0/75)
I'm going to stop here for the night because I have to head to bed, but I will keep working on the list and update when I have more or finish the list.