Sunday, October 10, 2010

Less than 2 years to go!!

So I've mostly been working on getting my Ph.D. for the past 6 months or so, so I haven't done too many of the things on my list, but I'm chipping away at it slowly!

Here are the new things that I've finished:

  1. I've earned my Ph.D.--A HUGE goal that I can now cross off my list!
  2. I've caught up with an old friend, which is nice!
There are also a bunch of stuff that are "in progress": 
  1. I've visited 6 new restaurants (out of my new 10)
  2. I'm up to 16 movies on the top 500 (out of 30)
  3. I'm up to 23 new recipes (out of 101)
  4. I've read 45 books (out of 150)--Not sure I'm going to be able to finish this one, but I'll try!
  5. I've donated 21,410 grains of rice (out of 100,000)
  6. I'm up to 5 cities on the A-Z list (out of 26)
That's about it.  I'm starting a new job tomorrow so I'm hoping that when I get into the swing of things, I'll be able to focus more on the list!  I only have about 1 year and 8 months to go!! I need to get on it!

Until next time....

Monday, July 19, 2010

Another List Update!

I've actually completed a number of things on my list since my last post (a million years ago!).  I think I'm down to 600+ days left on my list, and it's slow going, but I'm gonna get there!

My update for things I've completed:

  1. I've recently started paying off my student loans (June, 2010)
  2. I have successfully tried 10 new restaurants, and have added a new goal of trying 10 more!
  3. I finished the Alex Cross series
  4. I got new glasses (that I love and wear often)!
  5. I've had an internet-free weekend (Saturday to Monday) on my Virginia Beach vacation
  6. I've watched TV for an entire day for no reason
Now to update the things I'm working on:
  1. I'm up to 3 books from the top list (out of 15)
  2. I volunteered 10 (out of 200) hours on Julie's horse farm
  3. I've journaled 7 (out of 30) times
  4. I went to see DMB at Bethel Woods (awesome concert!)
  5. I have a couple plants that are still alive (1 out of 3 months)
  6. I went to 3 new restaurants (out of 10 new ones)
  7. I'm up to 15 of the top movies (out of 30)
  8. I've tried 22 (out of 101) new recipes
  9. I'm up to 32 (out of 150) books.  Not sure I'm going to be able to finish this one!
  10. I've read 6 of my books (out of 15)
  11. I'm up to 20,350 grains of rice (out of 100,000)
  12. I've gone to 4 cities on the A-Z challenge--Washington, Tarrytown, Virginia Beach, Orlando
  13. I have a craft project in progress--a candle holder mosaic
That's it for now.  I'll have another update when I make some more headway on the list!  I like having the list, though, so I can keep track of the various goals I would like to meet!  And I'm almost done with my Ph.D. so that'll be crossed off the list in about a week!!!! FINALLY!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 list update!

WOW I only have 892 days until the end of my 1001 days to complete my list!  I'm so happy that I started this project because it's given a little structure in my crazy life--structure to do things that I enjoy.  If I'm stuck about not having a life (I am going for my PhD; I don't think we're supposed to have lives!), I just give a once-over to my list and pick something to do.  So far, I think I'm down 5.5 things with a bunch that I'm working on!

Here are my updates:

1.  I read Alice Walker's The Color Purple (on the Modern Library's top 100 books).  It was a phenomenal book, and an easy read, so if anyone wants to read it, DO IT!  This puts me at 1/15 books to read from that list.
2.  I went to a Suns-Knicks game with my boyfriend in December.  It was  a lot of fun, even though the Suns lost (which was a HUGE surprise!!).  My boyfriend was happy, as he's a Knicks fan.
3.  He also got me a pair of Nike Shox for my birthday in November! This counts as "really comfortable sneakers".  I wear them almost everyday!
4.  I've gone to a friend's party (since one of the things I'd like to do is be more social!).
5.  And finally, today I made homemade cookies and cream ice cream! It can out DELICIOUSLY!

Now for the things I'm working on:
I'm up to 12 books read (out of 150);  8 new recipes (including caramel made from scratch for Christmas.   I was SO proud!); 6 of 30 of the top 500 movies (I finally saw Star Wars!); 7 out of 10 new restaurants (I love eating out!); I've been journalling for 2 days, and hope to make it everyday (for 30 days).

That's all I've been up to!  I'm working on finishing my dissertation research, so everything's going to be crazy for a while, but another update will come eventually!